USFS Timber Hoodie Design
A two-color design commissioned by a friend in the US Forestry Service, Washington state. Looking for casual, unofficial attire to rep his department, I put together a fun visual inspired by historic WPA National Park poster typography and classic Forestry Service iconography. The result combines the contemporary with the vintage in a sleek and slightly edgy aesthetic.
Adobe Illustrator
Miscellaneous Merch Designs
A collection of apparel and other merch designs I've done over the years.
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator
One Stays "Afterthought" EP tee design
One Stays "Afterthought" EP tee design
Square Loop "The Longest Distance Between Two Points" album tee design
Square Loop "The Longest Distance Between Two Points" album tee design
Dreamwell "Wounded Seraph" tee design
Dreamwell "Wounded Seraph" tee design
Bootleg tee design for "Spiral" (2020)
Bootleg tee design for "Spiral" (2020)
Square Loop sticker design
Square Loop sticker design
Halloween party sticker design
Halloween party sticker design